Our blogs are a way for us to connect with our community, senior clientele and their caregivers with informational write-ups. Our goal is to educate and reassure that nobody needs to be alone in their aging process.

The Value of Storytelling
Research shows that reminiscing together builds stronger social connections—and enjoying social connections is vital to our health. Whatever age, everyone wants to be heard and seen, and when we tell our personal stories, we feel valued.

The Value of a Smile
In large part, what Senior Care Partners P.A.C.E. offers is human contact. Even while assisting our participants to remain independent and able to live each in your own homes, we also ensure that no one is alone.

Pool Therapy – An Excellent Way to Stay Fit
Movement is extremely important to people of all ages, but especially to those that are in their retirement years. It’s during that time that people often become less active and inactivity can become debilitating.

It Takes a Village
When dealing with an aging loved one, whether it be a spouse, parent, grandparent, or other relative or friend, it does “take a village.” While some caregivers seem to have it all together, you never know what goes on behind the scenes.

Making Resolutions – You’re Never Too Old!
Interestingly, as we age, our perspective on resolutions evolves with us. A senior is typically not thinking in terms of finding another job or saving more money.

One Caregiver’s Story – It Takes a Village
When asked what advice he would give to other caregivers, Tom said, “It really takes a village. You can’t take care of anyone with any form of dementia without a village.